Wednesday, 9 January 2008

It's the Final Countdown...

One week to go! ARRRGGGHHHH! So much still to do. We are still frantically packing and painting. Well, when I say 'we' and 'frantically', obviously I just mean me. Hubby never does anything 'frantically', he's too laid back.

So I am frantic and he his calm; hopefully, like the tortoise and the hare, we'll both get there in the end.

Just five more rooms to paint, lots of 'stuff' to pack away (where does all this 'stuff' come from?), and everything we need for a 17 week trip to cram in to a rucksack. Hubby says he's going to pack tonight. Easy for him, he's only taking one pair of pants and a toothbrush. Whereas, being a girlie, I have to pack creams for this, creams for that, lotions for this, potions for that, tablets for this, capsules for that, not to mention a gazillion copies of Hello...


Nathan aka 'hubby' said...

All the 'stuff' is the wife's!

Do you know she has packed up 12 pairs of flip flops that she isn't taking on our trip.

Then there are all the candles and picture frames she has bought!

Brian Richardson said...

Good Luck on your trip Jus and Ginge...very envious, look forward to reading all your exciting encounters. Don’t forget to keep us posted on the quality of the cream cakes and pies. Don’t worry about us sitting here working for the next 7 months 8( 8( 8(
Best wishes Brian, Vicky, Joe and Tom ..xxxxx Take Care, and stay safe .Bye Bye !!!!!

Sam said...

Hope you both have a great time. Looking forward to seeing you down under in July for some belated bucks night activities.

Unknown said...

are you there yet?
Kathryn x